
Scope of Services

Everything starts with the dream you envision. Whether you want to sell or lease your property to generate income or, you want to live in the estate of your dreams, these dreams become our project purposes.

Based on your expectations to buy, we can;

  • Provide market search for available opportunities
  • Provide preliminary analysis reports on selected properties
  • Assist you or conduct site visits on your behalf to short-listed alternatives
  • Provide investment return analyses
  • Query municipal and zoning plans to ensure property compliance with codes and regulations
  • Conduct high-level technical and legal due diligence on selected properties
  • Negotiate and conclude sales deals
  • Conclude any transaction before any relevant governmental body in relation to the sales deal (including but not limited to municipal statement and declarations, coordination to ensure obligatory insurances, subscription to services, etc.)
  • Provide interior design, remediation, and contractual services to face-lift the property to your needs

Based on your expectations to lease or sell, we can;

  • Prepare a valuation and comparative fair value report on your property
  • Provide interior design, remediation, and contractual services to face-lift the property in obtaining a better market value
  • Market your property
  • Do a high-level financial background check of potential lessees
  • Negotiate and prepare rental / sales agreements
  • Lease, operate, and manage your investment during the time you are not in Turkey.

Should you be interested in obtaining a citizenship in Turkey, we are capable of extending our team with partnered legal advisers (Sanap & Co). Here our scope extends to include;

  • Opening a bank account in your name
  • Receiving a tax number in Turkey
  • Application for residency permit
  • Application for Turkish citizenship

We provide end-to-end services, enabling almost a fully hands-off and exceptionally convenient experience. The benefits we offer are not limited to only managing the processes, but at the same time include any and all preliminary preparations and after-sales services to help you better achieve your envision. Should you desire, we are also always ready to accompany only part of your journey with our custom-tailored solutions.

Detailed Process of Buying

Where acquiring or leasing property, we begin with a detailed survey to better understand your requirements. After our survey, our market research results with a ’long-list’ (when applicable) of options for us to go through. Evaluating this list together, we reduce our options to a short-list where we physically visit each property to achieve a better understanding of what we are proposed. If you wish, this is also a point where we can prepare an investment return analyses to give you a better understanding of the properties market conditions.

Once we have come to a single option, we begin our negotiation process with the seller. Having reached common grounds, we perform both technical and legal due-diligence to the property to determine and inform you (if any) on any possible disputes and technicalities that may rise. With your approval, we then lead negotiations to finalize and close the deal on the property you wish to purchase. Here, our services extend all the way to assist you in payment of necessary taxes and the transfer of the title deed at the Title Deed Office.

Once leasing / acquiring has been completed, as an after sales service we provide you with a check-list of all legal and technical procedures that you will be required to follow. Should you request, we can gladly further provide our consultancy services throughout these processes and have them done for you as well. Additionally, with our contractual and design services, we can also happily assist you in any renovation or remediation works you may want done in your new property.

Detailed Process of Letting / Selling

When leasing or selling your estates, our process begins with a visit to your property where we begin collecting any and all information that will determine it’s value. With our visit and correspondence, we simultaneously advise / assist you to trigger any legal processes with respect to title deed status, determination of municipal market value, querying required insurance policies, pre-sale / lease fees, taxes and the like.

After the ’evaluation’ of your property, our detailed market analysis supported with a valuation and comparative fair value report will be setting a market price for your estate. At this point should you request, we are capable of utilizing our experience and knowledge in architecture and contracting for proposing any alteration / remediation works in your property (these works may include just minor touch-ups or may extend to large-scale renovations) to increase it’s determined market price. We believe our multi-disciplinary approach in real estate, architecture and construction saves both time and money for our clients.

Once evaluation and all remediation is done and we are at a point of marketing; we are capable of offering you various strategies and tools. Reaching out to potential buyers with options as low and cost-saving as online listings to the more comprehensive advertising campaigns, we can also get you in touch with competent PR and marketing specialists as required.

Throughout our sales campaigns, we keep a detailed inventory of all visits realized to your property. At the same time, we collect all data from the running campaigns. Should you request, we can report to you on a bi-weekly / monthly period with our insight to the data collected and further guide the stake-holding team for driving the campaigns and create a clearer perspective in positioning your property within local market conditions.

We document all our communications with potential buyers. Should we receive an acceptable written offer, we translate, filter and forward these to you for evaluation purposes. At the point of agreeing to close the deal, we further negotiate with the buyers to achieve their best and final offer. For cases of leasing, we are capable of providing services to do a high-level financial due-diligence of the buyers and provide you insight on their capabilities towards a long-term relationship.

Once all matters are concluded, we are capable of preparing necessary sales / lease contracts for parties to sign-off. Should you deem necessary, through our partnered legal firms we can also provide any additional legal consultancy that may be required.

After signing of the contract, we follow-up to ensure all guarantees and deposits are in order and within context of sales, assist you in necessary tax payments and transfer of the deed at the Title Deed Office. Should you choose to lease your property, we are capable of providing tax consultancy and further provided services to assist you in property management.